Welcome to Farndon Parish Councils website

 OUR PURPOSE – To improve the quality of life for all those living and working in the Parish.
We will achieve this by :-
  • Creating a socially inclusive and caring community.
  • Communicating well with all groups in the Parish.


SEPTEMBER 2024 – The  September Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday  3rd September 2024 in Farndon War Memorial Hall. The Agenda can be viewed HERE nearer the time.

AUGUST 2024 – No Parish Council Meeting held during this month. The next will be Tuesday 3rd September.

JULY 2024 – Severn Trent Water – removal of blue pipe on Farndon/ Holt Bridge, for details see HERE.

31 MAY 2024 – Notice of Public Rights 2023/24 and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return  CLICK HERE to view.

APRIL 2024 – COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUND CLICK HERE to access application fund and further details of the scheme.

18  SEPTEMBER 2023 – TO VIEW Notice of Conclusion of Audit and External Auditor Report and Certificate please go to Parish Documents.

FARNDON MEMORIAL HALL have a new website CLICK HERE to visit their site and access all their contact/booking information.